07 March 2008

movie forecast: college road trip

editor's note: for a detailed explanation of a movie forecast, click here

when i first heard that there was going to be a movie called college road trip with martin lawrence and raven-symoné, i thought it was going to be a black alternate version of road trip, like something along the lines of the wiz. boy was i wrong. having raven-symoné should have been the first clue as to that. and if somehow that didn't tip me off, then the inclusion of donnie osmond definitely would have. speaking of donnie osmond, many of the early commercials and trailers barely showed him, but as its opening grew near, he's become quite prominent in them. my reason behind the change is that he's testing well in pre-release screenings. except for a certain demographic, this may not be a good sign.

with a cast of martin lawrence, raven-symoné, donnie osmond and a piglet, college road trip may be the first film to cover each and every family movie angle [which, i suppose, is wise from a financial standpoint]. martin lawrence appeals to adults [and a certain race]; raven-symoné appeals to the disney crowd; donnie osmond appeals to older adults [and a certain religion]; and the piglet [not to be confused with raven-symoné] appeals to anyone who likes baby animals [which basically includes everyone except for gargamel]. anyway, it's tough to tell if this movie will be funny or not, but it's not far-fetched to say that it can be entertaining. as long as martin lawrence isn't too family-oriented, this movie has a chance of offering something more than a tiny pig running around.

prognosis : 6/10


Anonymous said...

I have my doubts about this movie. I don't see it being mediocre. It's either going to actually be funny, or completely stupid.

creasy bear said...

the piglet alone will make the movie at least $100M. this is the sad state of our society.