13 March 2008

for shame

it looks like jim carrey has hit rock bottom. on the march 12, 2008 telecast of american idol, jim carrey sat in the audience dressed up as an elephant to promote his new movie, horton hears a who! though i understand that jim carrey was probably asked to do so by fox movie executives, it doesn't excuse the fact that he did it. perhaps i'm wrong, but i don't think people enjoy seeing a desperate man's career shatter before their eyes. for the record, he wore elephant ears, an elephant trunk, elephant hands and elephant feet while holding a plush flower. it was probably the most humiliating moment in his life [which includes once bitten, a vampire movie with faye dunaway]. as i was watched jim carrey being interviewed by ryan seacrest, i could not help but think of his descent from a $20 million-per-picture actor to someone who has to don an elephant costume to pitch a kids movie. not only did this display demonstrate his fall, but it also showed that he has no shame. needless to say, it was an awful car wreck of a sight. the biggest question that this raises is where he will go from here, although i'm more curious as to what exactly is holding up the elephant trunk, because it certainly isn't his dignity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what has happened to jim carrey may not be unlike what has happened here at this blog...