03 June 2008

shoot this horse already

big brown, this year's horse racing triple crown hopeful [and not a euphemism for a giant turd], needs to be shot.

well, not shot, but this injured hoof news story needs to go away. to clarify, i'm not saying that i prefer the horse to be shot, but rather with all the endless media coverage it seems as though big brown is suffering a far graver injury than a cracked hoof. i understand that there lies some significance in big brown's injury, but that doesn't mean there should be never-ending media attention about it. i don't care if big brown ran five furlongs in practice, and i'm certain a good majority of people don't either.

i suppose therein lies my biggest complaint: not many people really care about big brown's injury [or horse racing for that matter], but there is a disproportionate amount of time being devoted to that story. for example, let's say that big brown wins the belmont stakes and in the process the triple crown, i doubt most people would react much different than if he fails to do it. in fact, a more interesting horse race would be one between shannon sharpe and tori spelling. with that being said, a horse race lasting no more than three minutes [and that's being generous] should not receive the hours of media coverage during the week leading up to the event as well as hours on the day of the race.

1 comment:

creasy bear said...

I look forward to when all this Triple Crown coverage will be over and I can use Big Brown to glue some cotton balls to construction paper.