30 May 2008

movie forecast: sex and the city

editor's note: for a detailed explanation of a movie forecast, click here

when i get caught in inescapable situations where i have to listen to a group of annoying women [or people] talk about their lives, it literally takes away my will to live. although i have never seen an episode of the sex and the city series, i imagine it's much like that. i also don't know why anyone who isn't a fan of the show would want to see this movie, so to a make one is a bit curious.

another disturbing aspect about this movie for those who will be dragged to see this movie [read: men] is its runtime of 148[!] minutes. there is no need for this. i have no idea what takes place in this movie that it needs to be two and a half hours. my best guess is that it is revenge for all those lengthy sports games that women feel they are forced to watch. as for the actual movie, i expect it to offer more of the same as the television series. [one final note: when the time comes for someone to play a witch in an upcoming movie, casting directors should look no further than sarah jessica parker. i can't stress enough how much she reminds me of one every time i see her in anything. i've always thought that she should be hired to play the lead in a sequel to hocus pocus if there were unconscionably one to be made. imagine my surprise when i just found out she actually was cast as a witch in the original hocus pocus.]

prognosis : 2/10

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