18 September 2007

man's likeness vs. man's best friend

finally there is scientific evidence to settle the age old question of who would win a sit-up contest between a chimpanzee and a bulldog. let's review:

0:03 a funny image of the chimp standing upright is shown. next thing you know these guys will be talking.

0:10 young asians doing sit-ups. so this is the secret to becoming good at math.

0:18 the chimp is shown with a bulldog lying on his legs. this could be the first time something like this has happened.

0:45 the chimp struggles after his 10th sit-up. it's no wonder his friends have told him to quit smoking.

0:55 the chimp pushes the bulldog off his legs. the best part is that the bulldog does nothing about this.

1:12 the bulldog lying on his back with the chimp holding his legs down is probably the funniest visual in the entire clip. seriously, this dog is either sedated or high. i haven't decided which.

1:14 i take it back, the close-up of the bulldog's face is the funniest ever. hands down.

1:28 the chimp shows his boredom and starts hitting the bulldog and pulling on his legs. not surprisingly, this elicits no response whatsoever from the bulldog.

1:42 the chimp hangs his head low and pinches the bridge of his nose to express his disappointment. these things are just like us.

1:51 the bulldog tries to get back on all fours as the chimp continues to slap his legs. it reminds me of a cockroach on its back.


creasy bear said...

this might be the greatest video i've ever seen. i'm serious.

Anonymous said...

I especially enjoyed the music track when the chimp grabbed his nose in sadness.

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